Description The doPlayerTeleport event is basically an event that handles relative, directional, static or dynamic player teleportation. You can use it simply to send a player up to the top of your tower, with a view of the beginning of the slide even if they weren't facing that way before - or you can use it to make teleporting a player from one room to an identical copy of that room completely undetectable.
It works like setPlayerTransform, but without the hacks, meaning it's a lot more reliable. It has the same boxes as setPlayerTransform, too, except there's a new field at the start for the brick to teleport to. It can also do one thing that setPlayerTransform couldn't - teleport a player to another brick relative to a nearby brick. This is because the brick the event is on is now the brick that "triggers" the Teleportation. Hence the name, doPlayerTeleport.
Instructions For Use The syntax of the event is as follows. doPlayerTeleport [DESTINATION] [DIRECTION] [KEEP VELOCITY] [RELATIVE]
Destination is the name of the target brick. If you want the target to be the brick you triggered the event on, put "SELF" here.
Direction works in the same way that it did in setPlayerTransform. It's the way your player faces after the teleportation. Pretty self explanatory when you see the list.
Keep Velocity is whether, if the player is moving, they will keep the speed they were moving at. For example, if a player hits a brick at speed and the brick teleports them to another brick, they will be moving at that speed when they arrive. E.g. for portals.
Finally, relative is the special one. If your "teleport button" triggers the event on a baseplate and the event's target is another baseplate, the player will be on the SAME PART of the other baseplate that they were on the original baseplate. Teleport from the corner, you'll be in the corner. Done properly, you can create non-euclidean environments with clever teleportation tactics. Incidentally, if you don't select this box, triggering the teleport event from a different brick to the one the player triggered has no effect at all on the outcome teleportation.
Note that if you have the target as "SELF" when doing a relative teleportation, you won't move at all. Guess why.
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