I wanted to build as many buildings from Cities XL 2012 as I could, but I kept running into colors that just didn't match up right. I ended up taking a ton of screenshots, taking the most unique colors from each one, and smashing them together to figure out which ones would be the most efficiently useful for this task.
I ended up with a slightly messy but fairly well-rounded color set which brought a good response from server guests.
NOTE: THE BUILDINGS ARE ALL PUBLIC SAVES See the [pd] thread in Clan Discussion on the BL Forums
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1.04 kB
Last Modified:
Wed Sep 19, 2012 9:49 pm
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File Rating:
8 Ratings
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"Dat colur" - someguy Beautiful, 5/5 My only complaint is there's only 4 transparent colors, and even then the niceness of this makes up for it double-time.