If you have played Half Life 1, then you will remember the annoying voice system (VOX). I have compiled a special list that I am now releasing to the public that I am using for my facility project, but it is still useful for all kinds of useful computer-things.
The VOX Sounds are organised in 'pieces'. For E.G. "unauthorized" and "access" are two separate sounds, so you have to join them together with delays, sorry about that, but it also allows for more customization. One last thing, if you're wondering why "to" isn't in there, I used it for "two", since they both sound the same. It would be pointless to put two same different named sounds but sound exactly the same, I am just being efficient.
Have fun, if you want more sounds, suggest in the comments. Be aware, this 'sound' must be in Half Life 1 or else I can't do it.
Thanks, and have fun making VOX say things. Credits to Valve for making the game and sounds.
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Last Modified:
Sat Dec 01, 2012 7:52 pm
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