Here's another addition to my packs of sound effects from the Star Trek universe. This pack includes some of the hardest sounds to find, and I spent a painful 3 weeks setting up, recording, porting, editing, converting and packaging to get this and the other 2 packs that are being released with this ready. The sounds go great with any starship, space station or future TDM, and your guests will certainly be pleased to get something more than average for once in terms of futuristic sound FX.
This pack includes 12 sounds: ST_BorgButton1 ST_BorgButton2 ST_EnergyCharge ST_GunshipBotShutdown ST_GunshipTerminal1 ST_GunshipTerminal2 ST_KlingonButton1 ST_KlingonButton2 ST_KlingonButton3 ST_KlingonDoor ST_KlingonDoorLocked ST_Medkit
Any requests/suggestions? Post them below, or PM me (Plant) over IRC chat in-game. That's all for now, cya.
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