The old wedges removed from the Brick_Wedge pack. Includes new brick icons, too. UI names have changed as well, so read below on information on how to amend.
**FIXING YOUR OLD SAVES** Your old saves will be affected by this new update. Because of UI name changes any 2x3x5 or 2x4x5 wedges you may have used will not appear. To fix the issue, follow these steps: - BACKUP YOUR SAVE - Open your save in notepad or a similar text editor - Replace 2x3x5 Wedge Right" with 2x3x5 Wedge L" - do the same for the other 2x3x5 and 2x4x5 wedge bricks, making sure to replace Right with L and Left with R - save and close
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53.64 kB
Last Modified:
Wed Apr 03, 2013 1:53 am
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