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Title: Intresting Decal Pack
Summary: I threw lines together.
Submitted By: DarkStride
Date Submitted: Sat May 14, 2011 7:28 am
Description: Some new and interesting decals. May not have any particular need but I like them and will use them. I do realize that the girl decal isn't perfect but I tried seeing as how we lack in them.

Included are
- Bow Tie
- German officer
- Fair Maiden
- Town suit


File Information 
Version: v2 (View Changes)
Filesize: 89.7 kB
Total Downloads: 776
File Rating:
Rating: 4.09 (7 ratings submitted)Rating: 4.09 (7 ratings submitted)Rating: 4.09 (7 ratings submitted)Rating: 4.09 (7 ratings submitted)Rating: 4.09 (7 ratings submitted) 7 Ratings

This file has been approved by our moderators.
This means it appears to be safe to use.
Download Intresting Decal Pack

Author Message

Comments: 547
Blockland ID: 13941
 Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 8:19 pm

@Beanisawsome1 You are stupid


Comments: 23
Blockland ID: 26581
 Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 7:08 pm

You hate jews? o_o
Go see a mental hosptal if you do. .-.


Comments: 156
Blockland ID: 15403
 Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 1:25 am

@ Vangaboo
there not actually download them

not @
Whats the update?


Comments: 145
Blockland ID: 21614
 Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 9:35 pm

3/5, needs naked fair lady version. :3

I'm not joking. -.-


Comments: 61
Blockland ID: 7640
 Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 10:25 pm

Nazi ftw, also
I see a prostitute.


Comments: 72
Blockland ID: 12270
 Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 6:16 am

It looks like it is trans.

Profile Visit website

Comments: 156
Blockland ID: 15403
 Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 3:22 am

nice but boobs need to be trans somehow...


Comments: 99
Blockland ID: 16254
 Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 1:43 am

looks like a hooker a nazi officer and two men in suits...


Comments: 46
Blockland ID: 16080
 Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 10:47 pm

silly dread.



Comments: 3
Blockland ID: 210
 Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 9:47 pm

Now I can finally pursue my dreams of becoming a hooker!


Comments: 88
Blockland ID: 26384
 Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 9:13 pm

srry for double post but make that a 4.9 / 5 srry


Comments: 88
Blockland ID: 26384
 Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 9:12 pm

first comment when It just came out :D cool 3.9/5

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