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Title: Tier Tactical - Tier 1
Summary: Gonna set some things right.
Authors: Bushido and Space Guy
Submitted By: Bushido
Date Submitted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 12:32 am
Description: Tier+Tactical is back with a Vengeance!

After a long absence from RTB, Tier+Tactical has finally pulled itself together and is all set for it's grand reappearance! Boasting new models, weapons, updates, and bugfixes, T+T2 is just a taste of what will surely be a great summer of new weapons, vehicles, sounds and scripts to further deepen your Blockland experience. Are you ready to make your masterpiece?

Because Tier+Tactical is.

The Pistol
The Pistol, despite the forces of rebalancing, repurposing and renovation, continues to stay true to form. Just like the T+T1 version before it, the new Pistol is a super-solid sidearm that no soldier should look past. Making up for it's weakness through sheer volume of fire and incredible accuracy, it stands tall against it's larger cousins like the Magnum and the Machine Pistol. Use it to deliver a coup-de-grace to weakened enemies, or chip away at long-ranged foes before switching to your primary weapon.

Uses 9mm rounds.

Akimbo Pistols
Akimbo Pistols are, in a sense, a poor man's machine pistol. Due to the diminutive size of handguns (and relative lack of recoil) one can, quite easily, wield one in each hand: thereby doubling the mass of fire and ammunition on-hand at any given time. Because of the way they're designed, one can reload two pistols almost as fast as one- the only real fallacies to this otherwise-stalwart weapon is the loss of the ability to 'hammer' on the trigger, and the amount of ammo expended: because let's be honest, when you have a powerful weapon in each hand, who WOULDN'T start pumping lead into everyone nearby?

Uses 9mm rounds.

The Pump Shotgun
The Pump Shotgun, much like it's brother-in-arms, the Pistol, remains relatively unchanged in transition from T+T1 to T+T2; which, strangely, has made it MORE powerful in comparison to other weapons. Retaining the classic Concussion Blast feature, the Pump Shotgun deals incredible amounts of damage to pretty much anything, given that the target is within punching range anyway. And, should an enemy be too far for it to take effect, the shotgun's pellets do a great job of hitting up to mid-ranged targets with a surprisingly tight wall of lead. Take this weapon if you need to capitalize on versatility, rather then out-and-out lethality.

Uses 12 gauge buckshot rounds.

The Sport Rifle
The Sport Rifle is the workhorse of any squad, serving as support, sniper and sentry. While crouching, walking or standing still, the mechanism operates in such pristine condition that the gases expended while firing the round are all purely focused on the bullet itself, rather then being siphoned off to be used as recoil compensation. In layman's terms, this means that shots fired, while moving slow enough, will do extra damage! Just like a true hunter, a soldier lying motionless in wait for his prey will have more luck then one running around like an imbecile and yelling at the top of his lungs. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Uses 5.56 'Little Rifle' rounds.

The Submachine Gun
Submachine Guns are a perfect example of science going horribly right: a powerful weapon with a large magazine that not only pumps out massive amounts of lead, but even slows down anyone dumb, dense or dead enough to be caught by it's wave of death! Yes, you heard that correctly- catch someone with even a single SMG round and they will be slowed down breifly- usually, long enough to start PUMPING EVEN MORE ROUNDS INTO THEM! Incredibly powerful on single targets, the SMG works well as a rallying call for your teammates: Slow down someone long enough for them to get hit by sniper fire! Stop a charge in it's tracks! The possibilities are endless!

Uses 9mm rounds.

Also included in this package is a customizable Ammo System: Through RTB preferences, you can change desired ammo-on-spawn, allowing you customize deathmatches further! Make scavenging a required tactic, or just stop that asshole from sitting in a corner all day and taking potshots at everyone who passes by with his stupid sniper rifle!


File Information 
Version: v4 (View Changes)
Filesize: 1.46 MB
Last Modified: Tue Oct 16, 2012 5:46 pm
Total Downloads: 43,237
File Rating:
Rating: 4.42 (28 ratings submitted)Rating: 4.42 (28 ratings submitted)Rating: 4.42 (28 ratings submitted)Rating: 4.42 (28 ratings submitted)Rating: 4.42 (28 ratings submitted) 28 Ratings

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Download Tier Tactical - Tier 1

Author Message

Comments: 3
Blockland ID: 24559
 Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 5:03 am

the ammo no work for slayer ctf


Comments: 7
Blockland ID: 35158
 Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 7:01 am

One of the best addons to date, especially good with all of the packs.


Comments: 128
Blockland ID: 18962
 Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 10:28 pm

You need to look in the forums


Comments: 6
Blockland ID: 42057
 Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 2:28 am

bushido, what is the name of the sentry mod?


Comments: 403
Blockland ID: 24573
 Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 6:12 pm

Thanks for fixing up some of the weapons, but I'm still having problems.
Maybe it's just the skins messing up the firing system?


Comments: 66
Blockland ID: 23794
 Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 8:58 pm


Once i killed out of a minigame Without events

*throws cookie at evilmatt*


Comments: 403
Blockland ID: 24573
 Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 3:18 pm

The ammo update really bugged up the T+T.
I'm going back to the L4D2 weapons...


Comments: 74
Blockland ID: 12086
 Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 2:47 am!!! @evilmatt555 biznitch are you for reals with that shitz? let the old niggah figure it the fuck out himself.


Comments: 493
Blockland ID: 12114
 Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 2:45 am


XD, im so with you on that.


Comments: 164
Blockland ID: 13733
 Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 5:15 pm

jorhue, wow...
it doesent work without a minigame because...


Comments: 31
Blockland ID: 32485
 Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 10:27 pm

Do my guns only work in minigames?


Comments: 39
Blockland ID: 32133
 Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 8:02 pm

Okay, it seems to only not work in minigames. Is this normal?


Comments: 39
Blockland ID: 32133
 Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 7:50 pm

Why can't I pick up ammo from ammo piles?


Comments: 50
Blockland ID: 8345
 Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 10:35 pm

My ammo goes Negative likr
-1/8 then -2/8 -3/8 -4/8 -5/8 -6/8 -7/8 -8/8 -9/8
and so on how do i fix?


Comments: 160
Blockland ID: 18737
 Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 8:45 pm

Used to be one of my favs...

Minor Problem-Ammo Count.

Could you make a non-ammo count edition for the tier tactical mods?


Comments: 11
Blockland ID: 28089
 Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 6:47 am

i like T+T :D
its the best wepon pack


Comments: 13
Blockland ID: 5126
 Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 1:49 am

Do you happen to use Gamemode Zombie?
If you do, you have to go to the bottom of the minigame window and enable Friendly Fire in zombie options.


Comments: 118
Blockland ID: 15081
 Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 9:42 pm

I was hosting my small city TDM a couple of days ago and for some reason most of the weapons were not doing any damage.
i was only using T+T weapons that used ammo, and also the FAL Paratrooper, and that gun is sopposed to be compatable with T+T. The only guns that were doing damage were the, Sniper Carbine, Pistol, and the Pistols Akimbo.
Pls fix this problem... 4/5
(once its fixed it will be 5/5)


Comments: 4
Blockland ID: 3284
 Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:49 pm

I don't know if they should all have iron sights though. It'll change how people play. The manuvering as opposed to just standing and shooting? Manuvering is more fun, to me.


Comments: 349
Blockland ID: 4923
 Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 2:07 am

Tier+Tactical is easily the best gun pack out there. the only thing that is necessary is the iron sights feature. I know that the sniper carbine has the ability to aim down the red dot sight when you right-click, but so far I haven't seen any others like that. If you put in iron sights for all the weapons, then Tier+Tactical will never be beaten by another gun set!


Comments: 44
Blockland ID: 8300
 Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 4:16 pm

Do you read at all, littlepile?

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Comments: 407
Blockland ID: 19101
 Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 3:25 pm

So what might this update be?


Comments: 33
Blockland ID: 22088
 Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 4:29 pm

Way to "blocko" for the forums. Just "blocko" enough for RTB.


Comments: 37
Blockland ID: 22614
 Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 2:23 am

goku try looking for the scope zoom relay that you can use for your f zoom its kinda eyelashy but worth it it works


Comments: 82
Blockland ID: 8186
 Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 4:06 pm

Is there a reason why when I make a TDM, The pistols, Snipers, SMGs, and reloading feature get fucked up?


Comments: 61
Blockland ID: 15373
 Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 9:42 pm

You should make your own reload for once.


Comments: 124
Blockland ID: 15514
 Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 4:33 pm

ahh i used this in a game before use the silencend anytime its very good and i like the reloading too make a M4 carbine or somthing or like a AK-47. the pump shot gun is good for actually for light support on tdm's.It be better you made a gun with a scope and it is usable or update this for the sport riflefor you to use the scope and you can zoom in.


Comments: 7
Blockland ID: 7395
 Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 5:00 pm

how do you change skins


Comments: 103
Blockland ID: 18979
 Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 2:44 pm

Blockland has been completely changed by these weapons, and now the RTB users have them too.

I look forward to seeing these in even more servers.


EDIT: Not completely changed, but damn near good enough for me.


Comments: 132
Blockland ID: 9872
 Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 12:45 am

You REALLY need to make this work with ammo on L4B. Or I can just wait for someone to make an ammo mod and use it with ZAPT V2.


Comments: 17
Blockland ID: 22219
 Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 7:04 pm

This is epic.


Comments: 6
Blockland ID: 10210
 Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 9:20 pm

I think I remember me being in your server testing these they were awesome


Comments: 6
Blockland ID: 10210
 Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 9:18 pm

Damn this is epic, Nice job Bushi


Comments: 150
Blockland ID: 18745
 Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 6:42 am

This is first place, with GC's set in second. 5/5


Comments: 349
Blockland ID: 4923
 Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 9:21 pm

OMG finallly!!!! I honestly have to say that Teir+Tactical is the best pack of weapons in the history of Blockland. Thank you.


Comments: 102
Blockland ID: 6339
 Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 5:02 pm

NINJA EDIT: One question, how does the "Skins" system work?


Comments: 102
Blockland ID: 6339
 Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 5:00 pm

I was waiting for it on RTB...Bushi, you have created the best modern weapon pack EVER. (Which is a pretty hard job to fill.)


Comments: 115
Blockland ID: 10011
 Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 3:57 pm

Cool weps anyway.


Comments: 32
Blockland ID: 15706
 Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 3:38 pm

Lol'd at desription.

Profile YIM

Comments: 74
Blockland ID: 12893
 Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 1:42 pm


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Comments: 21
Blockland ID: 21140
 Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 9:35 am

OMG!!! it my best loveing weapons!!!!!!!!
oh yeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!


Comments: 26
Blockland ID: 18006
 Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 7:28 am

On RTB?! *Awsome faic*


Comments: 282
Blockland ID: 3898
 Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 3:15 am

this way we can functionally updated them.


Comments: 99
Blockland ID: 11587
 Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 2:15 am

Already got these


Comments: 446
Blockland ID: 9250
 Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 1:57 am

Dl'd off Bl fourms


Comments: 50
Blockland ID: 8345
 Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 1:14 am

i got theas already but First post

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