Look at your vce manual, now back to me, now back at your vce manual, NOW BACK TO ME. Sadly, it isn't working, now is it? Well, sad man, You're saved!! Just download this nifty little fix and you'll be on your way to having the epic manual that we know and love!
It seems that that old fix got broken as of v21. So I finally got off my lazy ass and made you guys yet another fix for the VCE manual.
This one's better, anyway. The old one was an actual 'patch', which replaced Event_Variables, which I don't like. This one doesn't touch it.
This add-on requires Event_Variables to function. It doesn't do anything without Event_Variables.
The requirements are variable conditional events, i clicked on it but it said private download D= someone help me please i really need this for my server =C