Service Closed
This service will be unavailable from March 1st 2014, please download anything you wish to keep before this date.

40k Weapons - Imperial Guard v4 to v5: 
Fixed the boltgun knockback, which for some reason was set absurdly high.

40k Weapons - Imperial Guard v3 to v4: 
Meltagun range reduced
Grenade Launcher RoF lowered by a lot
Plasma gun and pistol RoF lowered
Las-Weapons not working without T+T should be fixed now

40k Weapons - Imperial Guard v2 to v3: 
- Removed ammo (I can release the version with ammo if people ask enough)
- Grenade Launcher Damage Increase
- Meltagun now does extra damage at half range along with increased overall range
- Meltagun now also fires a bit slower
- Increased range on all las-weapons
- Powerfist speed increase
- Autogun and Autocannon now have shells that eject
- Heavy Bolter is now more innacurate
- Fixed lighting errors in models

40k Weapons - Imperial Guard v1 to v2: 
-Heavy Weapons
--Heavy Bolter
--Missile Launcher
-Autogun and Autopistol
-Heavy Flamer
-Lasgun damage increase
-Power fist and chainsword animations
-Green changed to grey
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