Service Closed
This service will be unavailable from March 1st 2014, please download anything you wish to keep before this date.

Best Colorset v1 to v2: 
Improved standards to be less 'neon', especially for greens.
Improved brights to look more 'pastel' than 'faded'.
Improved darks to look actually dark, in a more 'gray' way rather than 'black'.
Improved transparents similar to the standards.
Grayscale renamed to Mono.
Mono now ranges from 10-245, instead of 0-255.
The two groups of trans grays are now 70% and 35% alpha, instead of 50% and 25%.
Browns improved to look more brown.
Specials changed:
Special 2 is now 'Slate Gray', a somewhat blueish gray.
Special 4 is a shade of 'peach'.
Special 5 is now a (somewhat) 'pure green', in case you needed the old Standard green, however, it's now 0 215 0 and not 0 255 0.
Special 6 has been adjusted to be darker.
Special 7 has been adjusted to look less white and more 'sky blue', with increased alpha. (35%)
Special 8 is now a transparent brown with 70% alpha, for those 'muddy waters'.
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