Service Closed
This service will be unavailable from March 1st 2014, please download anything you wish to keep before this date.

RP Resources v3 to v4: 
Moved resources files to one file
Fixed fish number on the Sell Brick
Added an extra check if Core have loaded
Added compatibility with Tool RPG
Added ResetResource function
Added Sell All option
Moved gems into the ores as a chance of getting one
Changed various resources
Changed experience relay on amount of resources
Resources does not relay on schedules that may be lost on schedule quota hit
Updated with a version check for each file
Altered RP Core preferences

RP Resources v2 to v3: 
Fixed small editbug for resources
Made it harder to gather resources
Removed unnecessary prefs
Added hardcoreExp pref

RP Resources v1 to v2: 
Changed adminOnly to plantAdminOnly in dataprefs
Altered to RP Core
Added Fish resource
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