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Title: RP Resources
Summary: Adds a resourcesystem to RP Core.
Submitted By: McTwist
Date Submitted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 9:24 pm
Description: This Add-On requires RP Core.

Grab your Pickaxe and dig into the mines to find the motherload. Hatch a tree or two with your Axe. Set the sail out the sea to catch a fish with your Fishing Rod. You decide your profession and what to do. Gather lot of resources!

  • 6 types of tree
  • 6 types of ore
  • 9 types of fish
  • 6 types of gem
  • Compatibility with RP Money and Tool RPG
  • Three items
  • Gathering resources
  • RTB Preferences

Saver saves
  • Ore
  • Wood
  • Fish

Tip: Truenos old colorset is the best for this one. Else, the color needs to be changed manually.


File Information 
Version: v4 (View Changes)
Filesize: 10.86 kB
Last Modified: Tue Apr 13, 2010 7:27 am
Total Downloads: 13,564
File Rating:
Rating: 4.22 (8 ratings submitted)Rating: 4.22 (8 ratings submitted)Rating: 4.22 (8 ratings submitted)Rating: 4.22 (8 ratings submitted)Rating: 4.22 (8 ratings submitted) 8 Ratings

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RP Core
The core for an RP server.
» By McTwist
McTwist Rating: 3.89 (40 ratings submitted)Rating: 3.89 (40 ratings submitted)Rating: 3.89 (40 ratings submitted)Rating: 3.89 (40 ratings submitted)Rating: 3.89 (40 ratings submitted) 28,020  Download RP Core 
Trueno's Colorset
The most popular and enduring color set ever made.
» By Trueno
Trueno Rating: 4.52 (136 ratings submitted)Rating: 4.52 (136 ratings submitted)Rating: 4.52 (136 ratings submitted)Rating: 4.52 (136 ratings submitted)Rating: 4.52 (136 ratings submitted) 30,418  Download Trueno's Colorset 

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Download RP Resources

Author Message

Comments: 322
Blockland ID: 11894
 Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 1:07 am

A backpack would be epic, like, a backpack gui you can click on and it shows your items and stuff


Comments: 1
Blockland ID: 34937
 Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 8:57 pm

Is there a way to see how meny ores outher pepole Got?


Comments: 8
Blockland ID: 26913
 Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 9:28 am

Lol mctwist thats a special trick from Tony Hawks Underground


Comments: 36
Blockland ID: 25804
 Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 12:55 pm

Medeival RPG HERE I CUM!!!!! but my Battlefield 3 Slayer needs to be hosted first i guess...


Comments: 28
Blockland ID: 20310
 Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 7:19 pm

Perfect for a minecraft rpg!


Comments: 524
Blockland ID: 18685
 Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 1:49 am

Ah The Resources part.. One of the best parts. Although I am downloading them all so it's a.. um.. Perfect Mod. In one of the posts I saw McTwist say It's not a City RP mod so i said Mod.


Comments: 39
Blockland ID: 1652
 Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 1:18 am

Thank you! That really helps!!!


Comments: 105
Blockland ID: 3503
 Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 4:11 pm


Well, you click on your last tab, then you press the "TAB" button. It should go to the hidden tab.


Comments: 39
Blockland ID: 1652
 Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 6:23 pm

Is there ANY way to see all of your tabs? Cause it is either JVS Bricks or the RP Resources for me...


Comments: 12
Blockland ID: 16231
 Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 7:55 pm

i dont have bricks
and every time i say something the chat listings are covered in red


Comments: 118
Blockland ID: 18777
 Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 3:01 am

Off topic: Hi
On topic: 5/5


Comments: 246
Blockland ID: 9845
 Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 7:34 am

Instead of having gems as ores, you get the gems from each ore randomly.

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Comments: 9
Blockland ID: 19283
 Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 1:08 am

What do you mean, "gems"?


Comments: 20
Blockland ID: 10404
 Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 1:56 am

The RPcore is so much better than most CityRP's


Comments: 3
Blockland ID: 19946
 Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 1:21 pm

Nevermind i realized i had so many different bricks that i couldn't see all the tabs *coulda had a v8*


Comments: 3
Blockland ID: 19946
 Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 12:53 pm

I know im probably a neusance but i still cant seem to make it work i have all the RP things but i cant find the resources in with my bricks in game, and i dont know how to make a buy button i wanted to have a BlackSmith but i cant make the button take money

-Thanks again-


Comments: 246
Blockland ID: 9845
 Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 9:05 am

@Dullboy - You should try search for RP on the Search button.

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Comments: 6
Blockland ID: 20837
 Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 4:19 am

Ya I know but I figured it out because the brik resources was in admin tab and was hiding so thanks anyways


Comments: 88
Blockland ID: 12953
 Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 10:31 pm

Sgt, you must have RP Money on in order to ge the full experience of them.


Comments: 6
Blockland ID: 20837
 Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 5:11 am

What are you supposed to do with fish, ore, and trees i mean do we sell them or what?


Comments: 3
Blockland ID: 19946
 Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 7:49 pm

McTwist, I have recently downloaded all your rp mods and been attempting to use them to create my own mideval RP but unfortunately i can seem to make bricks that will give you a weapon at the cost of money, Haven't found how to give players money as like a drop, and most upsetting the resources wont load or show up in my catalog, idk what im doing wrong but i figured id turn to you because i cant find help anywhere else,


Comments: 246
Blockland ID: 9845
 Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 3:19 pm

The fish is a 8x8 brick which is invisible, have no collision and only a emitter displaying that there is fish there. Use the rod against it and you will get fish.

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Comments: 88
Blockland ID: 12953
 Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 3:16 am

I ACTIVATE it, too.


Comments: 88
Blockland ID: 12953
 Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 3:16 am

I have trueno's colorset and the core, and everything, but the fish is messed up.


Comments: 246
Blockland ID: 9845
 Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 2:37 pm

You might have it, but did you activate it?

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Comments: 2
Blockland ID: 20349
 Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 8:55 am

i have the old colorset and its still displaying the first 3 ores as invisible. and all but 2 of the do i fix this? or even where do i put the colorset? im very new to all this


Comments: 246
Blockland ID: 9845
 Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 7:53 am

I don't understood what you just wrote. Try using a dictionary, or read what you write a loud.

Edit: After reading your "bug" report, I see you don't have the right colorset. Please download Truenos old colorset.

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Comments: 12
Blockland ID: 16542
 Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 9:39 pm

The core is invisalbe ot is very wierd should i restart?


Comments: 246
Blockland ID: 9845
 Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 8:27 am

Even changed to Truenos old colorset?

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Comments: 12
Blockland ID: 16542
 Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 6:45 pm

The ore for the 1 ore is does not work it doeos not show its invisable? i tryed everthing!!!!!


Comments: 123
Blockland ID: 15691
 Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 6:58 pm

Why is their not a job as fisherman? I find that to be very odd.

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Comments: 246
Blockland ID: 9845
 Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 9:08 am

RP Core creates a minigame and a playertype. You can change no one of them.

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Comments: 64
Blockland ID: 16589
 Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 4:36 am

i think this freaking thing is messed up my game i cant fly theres a mini game i didnt make wth


Comments: 237
Blockland ID: 1059
 Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 2:17 am

omfg fish ;> yumm!


Comments: 131
Blockland ID: 12879
 Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 1:23 pm

Very good... But, i'm gonna stick to making my own resources out of variables! 9/10!


Comments: 246
Blockland ID: 9845
 Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 12:00 pm

I already told you! It uses a function that displays it always on screen, all the time! Download it and look for yourself!

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Comments: 65
Blockland ID: 9444
 Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 2:06 pm

@ McTwist *facepalm*

OMG READ THE POST! I Mean is there a stuiped command that displays the reasources YOU HAVE! NOT THE DUMB ROCKS! For example if I type /checkresource copper it will display something like Copper = 63
The copper On hand, not in the dumb rock.

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Comments: 246
Blockland ID: 9845
 Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 8:42 pm

No... It uses the RP Core function to display its information. Although, only when you have anything...

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Comments: 65
Blockland ID: 9444
 Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 2:55 pm

:/ I ment do you have to type /checkresources to see the resources on hand :P

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Comments: 246
Blockland ID: 9845
 Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 7:29 pm

There is no checking. The resource re-color itself when it's empty. After a certain amount of time, depending on the resource itself, it goes back to it's original color.

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Comments: 65
Blockland ID: 9444
 Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 3:50 pm

If theres a /checkresources Cmd or something like that, I dont like that. The Script_Resources mod pissed me off enough with the checking Cmd.

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