Service Closed
This service will be unavailable from March 1st 2014, please download anything you wish to keep before this date.

Class Management System v3 to v4: 
Completes the gui for the many uses of the mod, Gamemode_Teamdeathmatch. Now it adds a "classes" tab near your "general", "teams", and "rules" tabs in the create/edit minigame menu. From that tab, you can create, view, remove, and edit classes. People who do not have the mod Gamemode_Teamdeathmatch won't be affected by this update much.

Class Management System v2 to v3: 
There is now a gui which can be opened by having this mod on your client, and going on a server that also has it (often they're the same computer) and typing "/editclassitems <classname>" then you get a nice little window with five drop down boxes that simply let you select a bunch of items just as if you were eventing, or setting an item spawn on a brick. And closing the window automatically saves your changes.

Class Management System v1 to v2: 
Now you can set class points with:
/setclasspoints <classname> <points>
For example:
/setclasspoints scout 5

Now you can set class datablocks with:
/setclassdatablock <classname> <datablock>
For example:
/setclassdatablock scout playerfastarmor

Now when you try to choose a class and it fails because you choose the wrong name, you get a message saying so, and you don't have to kill yourself to be able to choose a class.
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