Service Closed
This service will be unavailable from March 1st 2014, please download anything you wish to keep before this date.

General Client Enhancement v4 to v5: 
Expanded some limits of the old functions.
And added blocktopia gui, rather than making it its own addon.

General Client Enhancement v3 to v4: 
Added the ability for the server to request key binds.
These of course are also disposed on disconnect.
This mod can not overwrite old keybinds, unless it is one that the mod made.

General Client Enhancement v2 to v3: 
Upon request I have decided the next feature in this would be the ability to force/transfer guis to users somewhat like RTB currently does.

Currently, each server can create up to five "disposable guis" which may each have no more than fifteen elements. These elements can have any attribute set except for ones containing "command" to prevent the ability for the server to execute code client side. (Also, no arguments that will be passed though eval can have a semicolon in them, to 'sterilize' them)

The server can also force these guis open.

The guis are disposed of upon disconnecting.

General Client Enhancement v1 to v2: 
Bug fix.
Visibility is not triggered off after the set fade time ends.
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Designed by Vjacheslav Trushkin and modified by RTB.